Porting application code to a new processor, the dsPIC33EP64. The present code base is from the dsPIC30, and we have a brand new board design.
Working from Code Example CE443, a simple demonstration of the Timer 1 interrupt, I could verify the operation of the board with the scope. Adding some extra test leads to the board is very necessary, as the chip pins are much too fine for probing! Any new PIC requires some time fiddling about with the configuration "fuses" to get the basic chip configuration straightened out. In this case, a matter of setting up for an external crystal with PLL, and also setting the specific pins for the ICD debugger.
I am actually running the dsPIC version of "PICOS18" and have now verified that all the basic OS timing.
Having now got the board alive and working, I now need to get the ECAN device driver setup, and then the board will begin to resemble something with slightly higher function than a mere brick!